"Dear Meg: Advice on life, love, and the struggle"
Meg Yarcia
Publication Year: 2022
Language: English, Filipino
Format: Print
Pages: 197+
Size: 5.5” x 8”
This book is a collection of advice columns written by a psychologist and fellow activist named “Meg,” and published under the title “Dear Meg: in progressive new magazine Pinoy Weekly (dot org) and in a Facebook Page bearing the column’s name.
Judging from its reception in social media, it is popular among what could be inferred as its target audience — leftist activists and socially-conscious Filipinos in the Philippines and in the diaspora who can read English and enjoy regular internet connection, or those belonging to the middle classes in short. It has a small but loyal fan base that seems to always read and share the columns, which admirable given that these do not come our regularly.
“Dear Meg” is in demand largely because of the emergence, also brought about in various ways by people’s movements in the country, of a new generation of politically-committed and socially-concerned Filipinos, many of whom were and are still being politicized through social media and starting out as “woke.” Living in an increasingly dark and desperate time, their enlightenment and growing ranks are themselves a source of hope for the nation — a hope that must still be nurtured, strengthened, and organized in a general sense.
– From the Introduction by Teo S. Marasigan
GANTALA PRESS is an independent, non-profit, volunteer-run Filipina feminist press that centers women’s stories and issues in our projects. We believe in the potential of feminist publishing as a social practice and in solidarity work with women artists and collectives as vital political action. We always donate part of our earnings to projects that support the dispossessed and other victims of state violence. All our sales go to publishing projects for long-silenced communities in the margins.
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